Aesthetic Health Code of Conduct
Our new patient journey is designed to safeguard your health, exceeding government safety standards, whilst still delivering our customary nurturing care. We are approved as Covid-secure by the Care Quality Commission and Save Face.
We aim to be the most Covid-secure clinic imaginable, with plentiful policies and procedures in place to protect you, our team and the community. In order to achieve this we have made many changes to the clinic and the way we practice, and we ask that you familiarise yourself with our new patient journey prior to your appointment so that you can feel completely comfortable and safe, as the process will apply to every patient on every visit.
Treatment menu
Initially we are offering a reduced range of treatments in order to reduce any chances of infection but as soon as it is safe to do so we will broaden the menu again.
Booking your Appointment and Payment Process
We will contact you directly to arrange your appointment, at which time we will ask you to electronically update your medical information and complete an assessment to determine that there is no risk for you relating to Covid-19.
Once we have secured your appointment, we will ask you to prepay for your treatment electronically, in order to reduce contact in clinic. Please note that we now only accept cash payments in exceptional circumstances, by prior arrangement and of the exact amount.
Remote Consultations
If you require a consultation to refresh your treatment plan, we will arrange this remotely to clarify exactly which treatments are necessary.
Paperless Clinic
To reduce patient contact in clinic we are now paperless and you will receive all pre and post treatment information, read-only consent documents and the new Covid guidelines and precautions will be sent to you via email. We ask you to read the information carefully as we do require you to sign that you have read and understand all parts of the information in clinic on a iPad.
Pre-treatment assessment
Even familiar patients will receive a remote pre-treatment assessment prior to attending the clinic, usually the day before your treatment. It is vital that you must read your Treatment consent form and Pre/Post information before this appointment. This will provide you with an opportunity to discuss all aspects of your proposed treatment remotely. We will screen you for symptoms or exposure to coronavirus and if you are experiencing any symptoms or feel unwell, we will use this opportunity to reschedule your appointment to a date at least 14 days later.
Please be aware, if this Pre-Treatment Assessment is missed, we are unable to go ahead with your booking and any deposits made will be non-refundable.
If you have had any symptoms at all, that are not normal for you, please do not attend the clinic. Instead we ask that you call the clinic and we will advise you.
Please don’t hesitate to cancel your appointment:
- If you don’t feel well
- If any of your family members have symptoms
- If anyone you have been in contact with has been diagnosed with Covid-19.
On the day of treatment
Where it is possible, we ask that you attend your appointment directly from home to minimise the need to use the washrooms. The washrooms will be available for use if required and are managed according to our stringent infection control.
Arrival at the Clinic
Before you leave home, please wash your hands for 20 seconds with soap and water.
Please remain in your car or outside the gate when you arrive and text the telephone number provided and one of the team will call you when we are ready to welcome you into clinic. It is important that you arrive on time and alone as we are managing appointments very tightly to ensure a minimum number of patients are in the clinic at any one time.
Where possible we ask that you arrive make up free. If you are unable to do so, please bring your own make up remover and remove your makeup before you enter the clinic.
We also ask that you bring as few personal items with you as possible, leaving unnecessary bags and coats at home or in your car. On arrival, you will be asked to put personal items in a plastic bag, which may be kept with you. We also ask you to avoid wearing high heels as you will be required to wear overshoes.
Entering the Clinic
On arrival at the door, you will be met by one of the team, who will take your temperature and ask you to use hand sanitiser and pop on some gloves, a mask, a hairnet and some overshoes.
You will then be escorted straight to the treatment room, avoiding touching any surfaces and you will be invited to sit immediately on the couch.
Your practitioner will have prepared the room, including disinfecting all surfaces before your arrival. They will be wearing a face mask and visor (or full respirator hood) and apron and will wash and sanitise their hands and put on gloves before making any contact with you.
Should you have an unusually high temperature, we may defer treatment for the safety of you and our team.
During your Treatment
You will have the opportunity to ask any questions prior to your treatment commencing, however please understand that we will not be as chatty as usual, to minimise the risk of droplet transmission. We also keep contact time to a minimum, so whilst we won’t rush your treatment, we will endeavour to be as efficient as possible.
Post Treatment
Please bear in mind that we will no longer be able to apply any cover up makeup following your treatment. Our Clinical Associate will escort you out of the building and you will receive another copy of your post-treatment information via email. You will have already booked your necessary post-treatment appointments prior to this appointment.
Your safety is not at risk
We want to assure you that we have made every effort to ensure your safety is not at risk. You will see many changes and new protocols in action, including deep cleans and disinfection with specialist equipment to decontaminate all areas, including the air space.
We do hope these measures won’t be necessary for a prolonged period of time, and we will communicate when we remove any or all of these protocols.
We are very much looking forward to welcoming you back into the clinic and would like to say thank you in advance for adhering to our stringent guidelines and protocols, and for playing your part to keep yourself, your fellow patients, our staff, and our community safe.