The Aesthetic Health treatment process is a distinctive approach to Regenerative Aesthetics, rooted in health. Our philosophy and methodology address the underlying cause of our patients’ concerns, by slowing the ageing process, activating regeneration, and restoring vitality.
What is an anti-ageing clock?
The pace of ageing is governed at a cellular level by our genes, and externally by our environment and lifestyle. Early stages of research suggest that one day we may be able to reprogram our cells to reset ageing. For now, the good news is that we can adjust our own body clocks through our lifestyle choices to optimise regeneration, and to slow ageing and degeneration.
How is biological age monitored?
Scientists are working diligently to develop an ‘index of biological ageing’ to accurately measure our biological age versus our chronological age, in other words how fast our bodies are actually ageing compared to our real age in years.
They have discovered many helpful cellular measurements such as telomere length and mitochondrial function, but as yet there is no commercially available test.
How can we prevent ageing?
At Aesthetic Health we love to coach and motivate our patients to address as many of the aspects governing ageing as possible. During a patient journey we identify ‘detractors’ that accelerate ageing, especially because they may also interfere with the regeneration we are trying to hard stimulate.
These are often lifestyle factors that cause oxidation and inflammation, or inflammaging, such as sun-exposure, stress, smoking, and a poor diet, high in inflammatory foods and alcohol.
We also encourage patients to add ‘promoters’ into their lives such as achieving restorative sleep, exercise, hormonal balance postmenopausal, a diet rich in protein and antioxidants, and key supplements.
Patients investing in regenerative treatment programs are often highly motivated to make these important lifestyle adjustments to maximise the return on their treatments!
The Aesthetic Health consultation process
If you have had aesthetic treatment in a clinical setting before, you will no doubt be familiar with having completed a medical questionnaire. In most clinics after your questionnaire is complete, and has been checked by your medical practitioner, your treatment will begin.
At Aesthetic Health we also start the consultation process with an in depth medical questionnaire. After we have gathered this vital medical information we continue with our exploration into our patients health, using state of the art technologies to meticulously uncover unseen aspects that may be affecting a patients outcomes.
Skin analysis and medical photography
We use high definition Vectra 3D images in conjunction with the Visia Skin Analysis system to get a full understanding of the condition of the skin. These tools can help give a structured assessment of multiple parameters of the skin, including a clear view of wrinkles, pores, texture, pigmentation, redness and skin elasticity.
With this valuable information at our fingertips, we can then spend time with our patients in consultation, where we explore their concerns, underlying factors, their health and aspirations. A hands on examination allows us to feel the face and gauge the structure and degree of laxity of the tissues.
And finally we use High Definition Ultrasound scanning to assess the deeper layers of the skin, the anatomy inside, and to map out the patient journey, to achieve the best and safest possible results.
The consultation process
The Aesthetic Health consultation process is designed as a deep dive, because your treatment prescription needs to deliver results on many levels.
We aim to restore and rebalance your treatment area by reactivating your tissues, and key to this process is the health-landscape of your body. Hence, your overall regenerative health balance is an important part of the broader considerations, to enable you to respond optimally to your treatments.
Our patients are at the centre of everything we do. Proposed prescription plans are delivered with an emphasis of giving patients time for consideration, so that they can make choices that best suit their own philosophy and their aims.
Benefits of the AH treatment process
The Aesthetic Health treatment process is a healthy lifestyle choice, a commitment to slow the ageing process and reactivating regeneration. Our health-first aesthetic approach seeks to reverse the underlying causes behind the changes that trouble us as we age.
Nobody minds the wisdom age brings, but facial changes can make us look and feel tired.
Treatment at Aesthetic Health is designed to naturally wind back the clock to regain vitality, whilst naturally lifting, sculpting and defining. And the added benefit is that the future-face ages less because the genuine improvements to tissue health slow the ageing process.
What is the overall feedback from patients?
Patients understand that the Aesthetic Health method is a process, rather than a quick fix, but they find the journey joyful and life-affirming. The results get better and better with time as tissue health continues to improve and patients tell us that the positive healthful changes have a ripple effect on their confidence and positivity.
Aesthetic Health Membership
By joining the AH Club you are taking a healthy lifestyle choice, and investing in your wellbeing, and future face. It is immensely satisfying to turn back time by turning up health, but just like getting fitter in the gym, it takes commitment and hard work. The Aesthetic Health team are like your personal tissue-trainers, to help you achieve natural long-lasting results, while guiding you on a joyful journey.
Pereira,B. et al. Epigenetic reprogramming as a key to reverse ageing and increase longevity. Ageing Research Reviews, Vol 95, March 2024, 102204